55 and Still Alive

55 and Still Alive

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Bruce Reyes-Chow
May 02, 2024 • 1 min read

For those who have followed me over the years, you know that I have already spent my fair share of days in the ICU (Pancreatitis in 2003 and Covid in 2021) gifting my family with more than enough nights of wondering if I was coming home.

Those are all stories for some future mediocre-selling memoir, but suffice it to say on this 3rd day of May and my 55th birthday, I am grateful to be alive.

Thank you to everyone, near and far, who has supported me through the ups and downs of life, career, health, etc. You have no idea how much you all mean to me and how much I want to show up for you as often as I can, how best I can, and whenever you need me.

I have no idea what this next year has in store for me in life, work, or service. Still, I do know that whatever paths will be revealed, I will do my best to choose a future of ongoing resistance to those things that diminish humanity, reinforce systems of violence, and extinguish joy.

I am glad to be on that road with you.

Bring it on, year 55!

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