A Prayer for the 226th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA)

Dear #GA226,
This General Assembly will mark 16 years since I had the honor of being your Moderator. Like many of you, I am an unapologetic church nerd and have a deep affection for our General Assemblies. Because of prior commitments, I will not be attending the 226th GA online and in Salt Lake, so honestly, a little FOMO is creeping into my universe. As I have been sitting adjacent to some conversations about overture movement, statement development, and resourcing strategizing, I am deeply proud of and moved by the commitment that so many have for the Presbyterian Church (USA) to continue to listen for and respond to nudges of the Spirit. As you all move from online committee work to in-person plenary sessions, I offer you this prayer as if I were there with you — again, with the FOMO :-)
Let us pray . . .
God of curiosity, restoration, compassion, and hope
as we gather to discern the mind of Christ and your will
we strive to live into these promises you have made
Let us live into trust: enough to bring our whole selves into this space
not to avoid conflict, just get along, or to suppress righteous indignation
but to rage together, fear together, cry together, and struggle together
Let us live into grace: enough to assume goodness in one another
not to see one another as adversaries, enemies, and the other
but as collaborators, accomplices, and members of One Body
Let us live into courage: enough to wrestle with one another
not to destroy, dominate, or diminish the other
but to discern, discover, and adventure into who You are calling us to become
Let us live into humility: enough to confess our complicities
not to be confined into boxes of winners and losers
but to be unbound in order to grow into the new creation you call us to be
Let us live into creativity: enough to free our bodies, minds, and spirits
to know play as restoration
to know movement as proclamation
to know silence as solidarity
to know laughter as liberation
and to know joy as a healing balm for a hurting world
Let us live into generosity: enough to honor the realities of our time together
offering patience to the Moderator, staff, assistants, volunteers, and one another
affirming that we are imperfect people, trusting an imperfect process
paying attention to the timer, flags, and microphones
and savoring the honor and privilege of being gathered in this space
Let us live into action: enough to transform decisions made into actions lived out
to follow through on promises made to one another
to move through the world guided by the fullness of our time together
and to embrace curiosity as an act of ongoing trust and transformation
God, throughout the generations we have gathered
in different configurations
during different cultural moments
with different attitudes of engagement
we have been agents of healing and hope
and we have reinforced systems of hurt and pain
And yet, over and over again
because of and despite what we have done
General Assemblies have been opened up
to the surprising and sweeping movement of the Spirit
May we again and always be so open
And the 226th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) says, Amen
The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) meets every two years for just over a week to conduct business of the church that impacts politics, policies, and programs. The body comprises Commissioners from across the country, and the meeting is moderated by two people elected from the body to serve as Moderators, Co-Moderators, and/or Vice Moderators until the convening of the next General Assembly. Countless others support the work of the General Assembly. It is truly a massive undertaking. #GA226 is being held online and in person in Salt Lake City.