An Audition and A Preview

From the new book, reading the section, "Are you a theologian?"

This past week, I received word that there will be an audio version of Everything Good About God is True: Choosing Faith. Now, before folks get all excited, one thing that I have learned as a grizzled and veteran author of exactly ONE other book with an audio version is that there is no guarantee that the author will be tasked with narrating it. After all, we may be competent with sharing the words via our fingers, but maybe not so much out of our mouths. Voice-over work is not as easy as it looks. So, while I have fancied myself a good podcast voice, I have no delusions of grandeur about my future narrating prospects.

That said, I am giving it the ol’ college try as they say and just recorded a couple of takes of me reading the early section, “Are you a theologian?” While they will only receive the audio track I figured that this segment could do double duty as my audition recording and as a little preview to the book. Enjoy!