Book Release Party and Reel Landings
While life has been a tad bit frenzied here the past few days with power out and trees downed, it has been wonderful seeing the launch team share their unboxing videos (They start at about #10). Miracle of all miracles, I also managed to get the invitation out for the Official Book Release Party in San Francisco that will take place on March 5, 2024. Cue confetti!
If you are in the area or know of anyone who is, please send the Eventbrite Listing and if you are on the BookFace, please go ahead and check out, click, or share the event listing. Free tickets are available and books will be on sale there, but for $25 folks will get a copy of the book AND a specially created beverage from Fermentation Lab.
This is also the kick-off to a four-month book tour adventure quickly taking shape. Take a look at the schedule, and if there are some of you in places where I am still looking, hit me up. I’m looking at you Columbus, Kansas City, Nashville, and more!
From the video
Hey y'all, we are just about a month from the official release of Everything Good about God is True, and I wanted to make a special invitation for you all to come to the launch party, which is going to be at the Fermentation Lab in J Town in San Francisco, 6 o'clock on March 5th.
You can buy your tickets at Eventbrite. You can find all the links there. You can pre purchase your book. You can bring your own book if you pre ordered it. There's going to also be plenty of copies of all the other books that I've written and some other swag and all that kind of thing. Would just love to see you. There's free tickets. There's paid tickets.
If you buy a ticket, you're also going to get a special beverage that is going to be specially created for this event. So, I encourage you, hope to see you March 5th at six o'clock at Fermentation Lab. And if you've never been there, it's brand new. Try to go early, stay after. The food is great. The drinks are great. But if not six o'clock, six o'clock to eight o'clock on Tuesday, March 5th.
See you there for the book release party of Everything Good about God is True: Choosing Faith. See you there. Thanks.
You will also see an announcement about something much more meaningful happening, so if you want to join in here is a teaser.