BRC & Friends: Filipino American History Month

#FAHM2023 Kicks off with Dr. Kevin Nadal

While I may play with some things later, I have not quite yet decided to move my podcast over to Substack. If you do not subscribe to BRC & Friends, now is the perfect time to start as I kick off Filipino American History Month with a slew of episodes chatting with Filipino/a/x Americans from varying locations and callings.

I am so excited.

The Amalgamation and BRC & Friends are supported by your eyeballs and eardrums, so consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

We begin with Kevin Nadal, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at City University of New York and the current President of the Filipino American National Historical Society.

Here is a little preview of my conversation with Kevin as we talk about what it mean to be Filipino enough.

You can find BRC & Friends wherever you listen to podcasts.