From + The + Vault: An Origin Story

In 2019, I made a huge mistake while making a website host transition. With one fateful click, I lost a decade-plus worth of posts and content. Yes, I know I could probably have found it, but I could not figure it out. And yes, I’m an idiot. I still remember how hot my brain got when I realized what I had done. Not that every post was worth saving, but it was EV-ER-RY-THING.
Everything on my personal website — gone.
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I had been blogging since the 2000’s on my own as well as on platforms like SF Gate City Brights, The Huffington Post, Patheos, and all things www.reyes-chow.com so, thankfully, much can still be found floating around somewhere on the interwebs. With my move to SubStack and a new season of writing upon me, I have recently been thinking about how much of what I wrote in the past and if it has aged well or if I would be mortified by 2008 Bruce. Thanks to the memories of the internet and the magic of www.archive.org I am going to find out. So, every few weeks, I will share an updated version of something “from the vault” along with a reflection about how I may or may not have changed. I really hope and expect that I have been pretty consistent, but you never know.
If any of you have read my stuff in the past and remember a particular topic or post that you want me to dig up and take a look at, feel free to ask.
This should be interesting.
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