E35 Bruce chats with Greer Stone

E35 Bruce chats with Greer Stone

In partnership with the church I serve, First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto, I sat down with Palo Alto City Council candidate, Greer Stone. We talked about affordable housing, policing, climate change, and current and future life in Palo Alto. I am grateful that Greer took time to share a bit about his life, his ideas, and his hopes for the future of Palo Alto.

Watch on Youtube:

Greer Stone on Instagram:

Bruce Reyes-Chow on Twitter and Instagram:

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FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF PALO ALTO is a Christian church affiliated with the Presbyterian Church USA. We are a justice-seeking, LGBTQIA+ affirming, intellectually curious congregation that cares deeply about one another, the Palo Alto community, and the world.