E47 Bruce chats with Tyler Sit

Welcome to BRC & Friends, a podcast where Bruce Reyes-Chow chats with activists, artists, academics, and adventures who are committed to making the world a more thoughtful, loving, and just place.

In episode 47, Bruce sits down with Tyler Sit, pastor and church planter of New City Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. New City Church focuses on environmental justice and is committed to centering marginalized voices. Tyler is the author of Staying Awake: The Gospel for Changemakers, available now from Chalice Press.

Bruce and Tyler discuss the nine practices of Christian community outlined in Staying Awake, the deep work of creating community, shepherding people toward social justice, and what it takes to be a church planter. In addition, they touch on the irresistible pull of coffee Coke, their relationships to Enneagram, and the life-changing magic of whiteboards.
Thanks for listening, please subscribe, like, and share!

Connect with Tyler Sit:
Website: https://www.tylersit.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tylersit
New City Church: http://grownewcity.church

Staying Awake: The Gospel for Changemakers:

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iHeartRadio: https://ihr.fm/3s4CgMc

You can also view the unedited video recordings on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/breyeschow

Connect with Bruce on the socials
Website: http://www.reyes-chow.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/breyeschow
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breyeschow
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/breyeschow

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Editing and Show Notes: https://www.fiverr.com/inbox/lhuff2016