"Everything Good About God is True: Choosing Faith" available March 5, 2024

Everything Good about God is True: Choosing Faith (Broadleaf Books) by Bruce Reyes-Chow is now available for pre-order wherever you buy books.
Excerpts from early Endorsements —
Bruce Reyes-Chow’s book “Everything Good About God is True: Choosing Faith” refuses to concede Christianity to extremism and makes the compelling case for a Christian practice that is rooted in openness, reconciliation, justice, truth and love.
— Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, Director, Kairos Center and Co-Chair, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
Bruce Reyes-Chow has delivered a gift of a book right on time, promising us that we can still find comfort in the Divine One we've long loved -- not in spite of Mystery, but because of it.
— Shannon K. Evans, author of Feminist Prayers for My Daughter and Rewilding Motherhood
With this book, Reyes-Chow becomes that voice, giving us not only new language to communicate traditional themes on the Church’s theological register, but an applied framework that allows those themes to become germane to one’s faith imperatives and passions.
— José R. Irizarry, President and Professor of Practical Theology, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
He names the parts of religion that so many of us are trying to get away from and he introduces an understanding of faith in God that so many of us would like to be part of. Highly recommended!
— Brian D. McLaren, author of Faith After Doubt
Everything Good about God Is True offers a much-needed catechesis—one of liberation and love and justice—that gives voice to our longings for a God beyond both our construction and our deconstruction.
— Grace Ji-Sun Kim, Professor of Theology at Earlham School of Religion and author of Invisible, Spirit Life, and Reimagining Spirit.
He strips away the baggage of what we “must” or “ought to” believe so that the reader can begin to articulate their own experience of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and how this informs community and right relationships. Reyes-Chow provides a way for us to explore authentic relationships, with God, others, and self.
Karen P. Oliveto, United Methodist Bishop and author of Together at the Table and Our Strangely Warmed Hearts
In this manifesto of love, my friend Bruce Reyes-Chow invites us all to acknowledge the damage that has been done in the name of Christ, but he also dares us to refuse to let the bad news be the only news.
Shane Claiborne, author, activist, and co-founder of Red Letter Christians
— See the Complete list of Endorsement Highlights
If you are interested in an electronic Advanced Reader’s copy (ARC) for an interview, review, endorsement, or possible use by your congregation or judicatory, please email me.
I cannot guarantee that Broadleaf will include all endorsements in the print version, but I will blatantly and shamelessly share any goods words you send my way :-)
Official Description —
A better story of faith exists, and it has the capacity to heal the world--if we only embrace, articulate, and live it more courageously.
You know what you don't believe: about the Bible, the church, and God. You don't agree with the doctrines of an exclusionary, dominant Christianity. But what if someone asked you: "What do you believe?"
In this primer on progressive, expansive, generous Christianity, writer and pastor Bruce Reyes-Chow helps us reconsider--or consider for the first time--what it means to choose faith. What if we could articulate the gospel of love, kindness, humility, and justice? What if the Christian narrative both embraces contradiction and lays claim to deep, historic truths? And what if everything good about God is actually true?
With clarity, vulnerability, and wit, Reyes-Chow helps us learn a grammar of faith about God, Jesus, and the Spirit that breathes fresh meaning into old words like sin, confession, salvation, baptism, communion, and gratitude.
He doesn't shy away from calling out the hateful and hurtful dogmas of many churches, but he also turns our attention toward essential questions: What if God created humans to be beautifully complex? What if the Spirit calls us to lament and repent and also beckons us toward pathways of healing, wholeness, and hope? And if Jesus equips us for lives of justice and kindness, how might our imaginations expand for what the world could be?
Reyes-Chow offers his own "faith montage" and helps individuals and groups create their own. There is a more loving, more genuine vision of the reign of God than the one we see being performed around us, and this book helps us find it.
You should be able to order in all the book places, but for quantity discounts, please get in touch with Broadleaf Books. Also, if you are on the socials, please like and story my Pre-order IG Post, add Everything Good About God is True to your GoodReads shelves, and consider joining the book launch team.