Greeting Card Alley 2024

Our annual entryway holiday card turnover tradition

While we gave up the practice years ago (I might have a Filemaker Pro address list somewhere), we love receiving holiday cards and letters each and every year. Previously, we had hung them on a string and then took them down each year, but when we moved into our home in San Jose in the Spring of 2022, we discovered a great place to put the cards, right in our entryway. Please excuse the zebra mirrors; this place is heavily 70’s themed at the moment.

Anyhoo, last year, as we de-holidayed the place, we decided to leave all the cards up. While I could pretend that this was done after some deep reflection on a new centering tradition, the truth is, I looked at the wall and was too lazy to take all the cards down. A day turned into a week, and a week turned into a month, so for an entire year, every time we came home, friends, families, pets, and organizations greeted us with cheesy smiles, lovely words, and reminders that we were connected to many lovely humans and important organizations.

Welp, in the grand church spirit of doing something one time and calling it tradition, the new cards have been hung and a new year of greetings awaits!

Thanks for sharing your lives with us!