Happy First Birthday to The Amalgamation

This past week, I was checking my stats as I approached 1000 total subscribers when I noticed that I had lost more than 100 subscribers. After a brief mini-stroke, I realized that it was just a year ago that I left Patreon and ventured over here. As part of that process, I comped all the patrons for one full year. And lo and behold, that year was up, and all of the subscriptions ended. All good. I'm unsure if folks will resubscribe, but it reminded me that it’s been a good journey to figure out this little corner of the Substack world called The Amalgamation.
Like any new venture, these early days have been filled with fits, starts, and missteps, but I am glad I made the transition, and I hope, even in small doses, it has been helpful.
If you are curious, here are my current numbers, including my annual amount. Full disclosure: with the next season of my vocational life before me (Yes, post coming), I’m targeting $6,000 a year as one of my income streams.

The next stage of The Amalgamation will include more consistent content with all of the scattered loveliness that you have come to expect from the mind of me. There will be more content from across a spectrum of topics that stir my soul, spark my mind, touch my heart, and bring me joy.
I have also ended the BRC & Friends Podcast and will rebrand and revamp it here as The Amalgamation Podcast with Bruce Reyes-Chow. Stay Tuned!
Like everyone else, I’m still trying to figure out how to use notes and chat in ways that are make sense and encourage interaction, but until then I am hanging out mostly on IG and Threads.
Whether you are a free or paid subscriber, have known me for years, are just getting to know me, or have no idea how you ended up here, THANK YOU for spending some time at The Amalgamation.