If I Were Preaching on 07.02.23 — Part II

Every week over on Patreon, I publish a short If I were Preaching . . . video as a prompt and encouragement for those stepping into the pulpit on Sunday. I generally use the lectionary passages and reflect on current events. Patrons get it on Wednesday, and it becomes public on Friday mornings. I will post them here on occasion as well.
Yes, I already posted an "If I were preaching . . ." for this week, but after a long day of travel and the SCOTUS decision coming down, I've been doing a lot of thinking and raging. If I were preaching, I would pivot. If you are thinking about it too, here is some unbaked encouragement and prompting. So here you go, a little bit of unbaked thoughts on meritocracy, affirmative action, and white supremacy. Blessings!