If Not Now, When?
An encouragement to speak out for Palestine if you believe that is happening is wrong
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If you are a pastor who believes that there needs to be a permanent ceasefire in Palestine, and you have not shared your position in public or with those whom you were called to serve, I'm here to remind you that it is never too late.
To be clear, this is not a message to shame or litmus test your political or theological credentials, but an encouragement and nudge to think about your place as a pastor, preacher, and leader in this moment.
When your future congregants, colleagues, and ancestors ask, "What did you do during the genocide in Palestine?" There are really only two answers if you believe what is happening is wrong, "It was never enough, but I did what I could." or "I knew it was wrong, and I still did nothing."
Now, I don't pretend that there is no risk to you, but here's the thing, when you choose to be public in sharing what you believe is right: from the pulpit, through a prayer, or at a protest, it is that very risking that makes your voice that much more compelling to the people who look to you for leadership.
So I encourage you, I plead with you, I pray for you. I hope that you will join the many who are already publicly speaking out to influence their communities, placing their bodies on the line to maintain public pressure, and screaming compassion and humanity in the face of war and violence.
On what side of history will you choose to stand, and if not now, when?