Unboxing "Everything Good about God is True"

Author Copies, Coffee Bar, and A Wild Waving Box Cutter

Sorry, I have no chill, so I'm sending a late-night post. Ignore the casual waving of the box cutter if you can, no one was hurt in the making of this video :-)

Look what showed up today and welcome to our dining room/coffee bar.

Take 354 before I actually unbox these books. Today's the day. I'm pretty sure these are the author copies for my new book, Everything Good About God is True: Choosing Faith. I will say that it is hard to be really excited with so much pain and suffering in the world today. Genocide in Gaza, mass shootings in the United States, and an ongoing struggle for so many simply to survive.

That said, I am also very grateful for all of those who have stood by me during this project and my life that has culminated with this audacious project to lay out a Christian faith that is not based on what we don't believe, but about what we do. About a God that is loving and kind, expansive, just, and good.

So let's open it up and see what these look like. Here we go.

Oh, Broadleaf double boxed. Here we go.

There we go. There it is. Everything Good About God is True: Choosing Faith. I'm really excited about it. Oh, it actually feels really good to hold. It's a matte finish. Lovely.

And it comes out March 5th, 2024. So if you have any podcasts, anything you want me to come on and talk about this book, I am ready to talk about it because I'm excited about this project.

Again, thank you to Broadleaf and everybody who has helped to support this. Everything Good About God is True: Choosing Faith comes out March 5th, 2024. Peace.

See reviews and blurbs here.

Pre-order and purchase wherever you buy books: Amazon, BookShop.

For bulk discounts contact Alyssa Miller at Broadleaf.


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